4月の予定 The schedule for April



☆4/4(日) 12:30-13:30 無料体験会開催!参加申込受付中‼


☆「親子で楽しむ柔術あそび」 日貿出版社より発売中! Amazonでもお買い求めいただけます!




4日(日)   12:30 無料体験会


10日(土)   休館


11日(日)   11:00 キッズ護身術特別クラス(キッズ柔術クラス休講)


18日(日)   16:30 ケガ予防セミナー


20日(火)   休館


21日(水)   キッズ柔術クラス休講


25日(日)   14:00 伊藤俊亮先生特別クラス


29日(木)   祝日スケジュール


30日(金)   休館





木曜日 11:00 ベーシック

金曜日 11:00 レギュラー












Sunday 4th 12:30 Free trial session


Saturday 10th Closed


Sunday 11th 11:00 Kids Self-Defense Special Class (Kids Jiu-Jitsu Class Canceled)


Sunday 18th 16:30 Injury prevention seminar


Tuesday 20th Closed


Wednesday 21st Kids Jiu-Jitsu class canceled


Sunday 25th 14:00 Shunsuke Ito special class


Thursday 29th Holiday schedule


Friday 30th Closed


From April, we will change the schedule of the daytime class as follows.


Thursday 11:00 Basic Friday 11:00 Regular


Since the number of participants is small, the Nogi class in the daytime was abolished and replaced with the basic class. We will also change Friday's Basic to Regular.


Although it is the 21st and 22nd, I am sorry that I and Zuyo will be absent from the dojo. The office work such as enrollment procedures, training, visitor participation, rental, and sales cannot be accepted.

