5月の予定 Schedule for May



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3~5日(月~水)   祝日スケジュール 11:00 ベーシック/入門 12:30 レギュラー


10日(月)       休館


20日(木)       休館


23日(日)       11:00 キッズ柔道特別クラス(詳細は後日ブログでお知らせします)


29日(土)       15:00 金古一朗パスガードセミナー(詳細は後日ブログでお知らせします)


30日(日)       休館






Schedule for May is as follows.


Monday 3rd to Wednesday 5th          Holiday schedule 11:00 Basic or Introduction  12:30 Regular


Monday 10th        closed


Thursday 20th      closed


Sunday 23rd        11:00 Kids Judo special class (Detail is on blog later)


Saturday 29th      15:00 Kaneko Ichiro Passguard Seminar (Detail is on blog later)


Sunday 30th         closed


We will begin Master class on every Monday at 19:30 to 20:15 from May. 20:15 to 20:45 is sparring session.


Blue belt or higher ranked can participate in the class and we consider that the participants already have enough knowledge of advanced curriculum.

