11月のスケジュール Schedule for November



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English comes after Japanese.


3日(水)   祝日スケジュール ※9:30-10:30 キッズクラスを行います。


6日(土)   キッズ休講 ※グラウンドインパクト開催


7日(日)   親子・キッズ休講


10日(水)  休館


20日(土)  休館


21日(日)  15:30-16:30 吉永力ギロチンチョークセミナー(要申込) ※レギュラークラスを14:00-15:00に短縮  ※16:30-18:00 東中野・五反田キッズ柔術交流練習会@トライフォース東中野(要申込)


23日(火)  祝日スケジュール


27日(土)  12:30-13:30 セルフディフェンスクラス→ベーシッククラス休講


30日(火)  休館









11:00-12:00 入門

12:30-13:30 レギュラー










金曜日18:00-19:00 入門クラスは唯一マスク着用必須・スパーリング無しとしていましたが、コロナウィルス感染者数等の状況を鑑みて、通常の入門クラスへと変更します。マスク着用は任意としスパーリングを行います。





Schedule in Novwmber is as follows.


Wednesday 3rd   Holiday schedule


Saturday 6th    Kids class canceled 


Sunday 7th     Family class / kids class canceled


Wednesday 10th  Closed


Saturday 20th   Closed


Sunday 21st    15: 30-16: 30 Riki Yoshinaga Guillotine Choke Seminar (application required) * Regular class shortened to 14: 00-15: 00.   * 16: 30-18: 00 Higashi-Nakano / Gotanda Kids Jiu-Jitsu Exchange Practice Session @ Triforce Higashi-Nakano (application required)


Tuesday 23rd    Holiday schedule


Saturday 27th          12:30-13:30 Self-defense instead of Basic class


Tuesday 30th    Closed


On the 7th, me and Zuyo will be absent due to attend a memorial service for my father.


The seminar on the 21st has already reached the capacity, but we are accepting cancellation waiting (1 or 2 people will be canceled each seminar), so if you would like to participate, please apply even now. 


Toru Nakayama


Holiday schedule is as follows.

11: 00-12: 00 Introduction 12: 30-13: 30 Regular


There are some changes from November.


Nogi class

Sawada sensei from Ikebukuro will teach No-gi class.


The Class days and hours will change to at 19:30 to 21:00 on Fridays.


The second half of the class is a sparring session that you can participate in also with gi.


Saturday 14: 00-15: 30 will be regular class which Nakayama teaches.


Mask required and no-sparring class will be abolished

The class at 18: 00-19: 00 on Friday has been required to wear a mask and has been no sparring But considering the recent decrease in the number of people infected with corona virus, we will change to the normal introductory class which wearing a mask is optional and sparring will be included.